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program mir2; {$I gaojishuxing.pas} procedure _exit; begin This_Npc.CloseDialog(This_Player); end; procedure _doexit; begin This_Npc.CloseDialog(This_Player); end; function dengji(ZBid : integer) : string; begin case ZBid of 0 : result := ''; 1 : result := '护身戒指.Lv1'; 2 : result := '护身戒指.Lv2'; 3 : result := '护身戒指.Lv3'; 4 : result := '护身戒指.Lv4'; 5 : result := '护身戒指.Max'; end; end; function yb(ZBid : integer) : string; begin case ZBid of 1 : result := '500000'; 2 : result := '1000000'; 3 : result := '0'; 4 : result := '0'; 5 : result := '0'; end; end; function jgs(ZBid : integer) : string; begin case ZBid of 1 : result := '0'; 2 : result := '0'; 3 : result := '1000'; 4 : result := '3000'; 5 : result := '5000'; end; end; procedure domain; begin This_NPC.NpcDialog(This_Player, '|< 傲天手游 良心无坑 持续更新 长久稳定/fcolor=180>\' +'|<━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━/fcolor=248>\' +'|<寻常人穷极一生也无法突破20000级封印!/fcolor=222>\' +'|<不过凡是都有例外,只要你给我足够的好处,我便可助你一臂之力/fcolor=253>\' +'|<4000-6000级升级每级需要150个金刚石+120个等级石/fcolor=249>\' +'|<6000-20000级升级每级需要160个金刚石+130个等级石/fcolor=249>\' +'|{cmd}<4000-6000级提升一级/@shengji11>\' +'|{cmd}<6000-20000级提升一级/@shengji22>\' +'|{cmd}<退出/@doexit>\' ); end; procedure _shengji11; begin if (THis_Player.Level< 4000) then begin This_Player.PlayerNotice('等级不足4000,无法突破。',2); exit;end; if (This_Player.GetBagItemCount('金刚石') >= 150) and (This_Player.GetBagItemCount('等级石') >= 120) then begin if THis_Player.Level < 6000 then begin THis_Player.SetPlayerLevel(THis_Player.Level+1); This_Player.Take('金刚石',150); This_Player.Take('等级石',120); This_Player.PlayerNotice('恭喜您成功提升1级。',2); This_Player.PlayerNotice('恭喜您成功提升1级。',2); end else This_Player.PlayerNotice('等级超过6000无法突破。',2); end else This_Player.PlayerNotice('金刚石或等级石不足等级无法突破。',2); end; procedure _shengji22; begin if (THis_Player.Level< 6000) then begin This_Player.PlayerNotice('等级不足6000,无法突破。',2); exit;end; if (This_Player.GetBagItemCount('金刚石') >= 160) and (This_Player.GetBagItemCount('等级石') >= 130) then begin if THis_Player.Level < 20000 then begin THis_Player.SetPlayerLevel(THis_Player.Level+1); This_Player.Take('金刚石',160); This_Player.Take('等级石',130); This_Player.PlayerNotice('恭喜您成功提升1级。',2); This_Player.PlayerNotice('恭喜您成功提升1级。',2); end else This_Player.PlayerNotice('等级超过20000无法突破。',2); end else This_Player.PlayerNotice('金刚石或等级石不足等级无法突破。',2); end; procedure _shengji2; begin if This_Player.YBNum>= 1000000 then begin if THis_Player.Level < 310 then begin THis_Player.SetPlayerLevel(THis_Player.Level+1); This_Player.ScriptRequestSubYBNum(1000000); This_Player.PlayerNotice('恭喜您成功提升1级。',2); This_Player.PlayerNotice('恭喜您成功提升1级。',2); end else This_Player.PlayerNotice('等级超过310无法突破。',2); end else This_Player.PlayerNotice('元宝不足等级无法突破。',2); end; procedure _50; begin if This_Player.GetBagItemCount('1毛人民币')>= 50 then begin This_Player.Take('1毛人民币',50); This_Player.Give('5元人民币',1); This_Player.PlayerNotice('恭喜您成功兑换5元人民币。',2); end else This_Player.PlayerNotice('1毛人民币不足50个,兑换失败。',2); end; procedure _100; begin if This_Player.GetBagItemCount('1毛人民币')>= 100 then begin This_Player.Take('1毛人民币',100); This_Player.Give('10元人民币',1); This_Player.PlayerNotice('恭喜您成功兑换10元人民币。',2); end else This_Player.PlayerNotice('1毛人民币不足100个,兑换失败。',2); end; procedure _20W; begin if This_Player.GetBagItemCount('金刚石')>= 10 then begin This_Player.Take('金刚石',10); This_Player.ScriptRequestAddYBNum(200000); This_Player.PlayerNotice('恭喜您成功兑换20W元宝。',2); end else This_Player.PlayerNotice('金刚石不足10个,兑换失败。',2); end; procedure _200W; begin if This_Player.GetBagItemCount('金刚石')>= 100 then begin This_Player.Take('金刚石',100); This_Player.ScriptRequestAddYBNum(2000000); This_Player.PlayerNotice('恭喜您成功兑换200W元宝。',2); end else This_Player.PlayerNotice('金刚石不足100个,兑换失败。',2); end; procedure _kan; begin This_NPC.NpcDialog(This_Player, '|< 焚天传奇 良心无坑 持续更新 长久稳定/fcolor=180>\' +'|<━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━/fcolor=248>\' +'|<转区转服规则介绍:/fcolor=222>\' +'|可以转移充值超过<100/fcolor=222>账号的一半再补一半充值到新区或任意区或本工作室旗下任意服新区,只可以转移真实充值,装备角色数据遗迹打到的充值不算' +'|<例如:/fcolor=249>在本区充值<100/fcolor=222>R,可联系客服补<50/fcolor=222>R回收本区账号,转移后可得<100/fcolor=222>R真实充值,本区账号做删除处理!' +'|<例如:/fcolor=249>在本区充值<1000/fcolor=222>R,可联系客服补<500/fcolor=222>R以内充值转到任意区任意服,补<100/fcolor=222>R则可转<100/fcolor=222>R,依此类推!' +'|本服承诺账号永久保值 需要转区转服联系微信客服/fcolor=249>' +'|<━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━/fcolor=248>\' +'|{cmd}<下一页账号装备交易担保介绍/@fanhui> \' ); end; procedure _fanhui; Begin domain; end; Begin domain; end.
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